REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! The Flowery Branch 5k Spring FUN Run is Saturday, May 17th at 9AM. For more information, please click HERE
Celebrating 145 years of Freemasonry in Flowery Branch!
Interested in becoming a Mason or have questions? Please contact us HERE or come visit us at one of our regularly scheduled meetings and join us for dinner and fellowship.
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is the oldest Fraternal Organization in recorded history. Freemasonry is NOT a secret organization, if it were you would not see Masons wearing rings and buildings with the Masonic symbols displayed.
Freemasonry is NOT a Religion or a Religious place of worship, although we always have a Familiar Religious Script open whenever Lodge is in session. Freemasonry does not proclaim to give or help you get salvation, only to help Men live better and more Moral lives. Freemasonry is something that dwells in a Mans heart. Freemasonry never seeks out members, members seek out Freemasonry.
So if you know someone who is a Freemason and they have never asked you to join, it is not because they do not desire to have you in their organization, however they cannot ask you to join. YOU have to ask them!
Rumors have it that certain religious backgrounds will prevent you from becoming a Mason, this is NOT true, Freemasonry is open to all religions, your religion may prevent you from joining, but Masonry does not, we welcome you with open arms.
Everyone in Freemasonry meets on the same level, no one is more of a Mason than any other, rich, poor, highly educated, or no education, everyone is the same. Your past history can effect you, but if you have put your past behind you some time ago and have lived a Moral life since, then you may be surprised what you can accomplish in Freemasonry.
So now you know. Find a Mason. Ask him how to obtain a petition. Fill it out and turn it in. Start your Masonic travels today.